The Free National Movement (FNM) last night unveiled Manifesto 2012, pledging among other things to introduce a National Catastrophic Health Insurance Programme within three years, increase the strength of the police force to fight crime and create an ‘opportunity society’, which includes the implementation of a “recovery and growth agenda”.
Manifesto 2012, released on the party’s website, fnm2012.org, also focuses on job creation, social development and reducing the public debt.
Ingraham pledged that an FNM administration will continue to build an “opportunity and shareholding society”.
Source: The Nassau Guardian
Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham’s remarks at FNM Mass Rally on R.M. Bailey Park, Thursday April 12, 2012.
Colour Red, thanks for Red Splash!
I hear others complaining about all those posters of me being put up around this island. They must have had a change of heart since 2002 and since 2007 when they plastered our town with life size posters of Perry Christie declaring him to be “the Right Man for the Job”. Now that he and the Bahamian people know that he is NOT the Right Man for the Job, he wants to protest who’s putting up posters of whom.
Well, that is what we do during election time in The Bahamas. We put up posters to remind voters of their choices. Very importantly, we want to remind voters that they are electing a Government. Each voter will vote for a single candidate but that candidate is a part of a team. Each team has a Leader. So when you vote you are deciding if you want Hubert Ingraham, the leader of the FNM to be Prime Minister or somebody else. You are voting to determine if you want the FNM to be the Government or some other party.
And I remind that as you prepare to vote and you consider your choices take a good look at what you could get when you’re tired of what you gat!
The PLP have an Ad on TV that says that they will be ready to govern on day 1. Well! Something must have happened – something huge and transformational because the last time they got elected they certainly were not ready.
Our Constitution requires that there be a Cabinet of at least 8 ministers and that 2 of those – the Prime Minister and the Attorney General – must be filled at all times. That requires that the first act of a Prime Minister upon being sworn into office is to appoint an Attorney General – forthwith; no delay.
Mr. Christie was sworn in as Prime Minister on 3rd May, 2002 the day after the General Election. It took him until May 10th – 7 days to appoint an Attorney General. So for a full week the office of the Attorney General was vacant.
This has never ever happened before in this country or in any other country with our system of Government. This is distinctly and uniquely a creation and result of Perry Gladstone Christie.
Ready? My foot! More likely never ever ready. Always late! Habit fine tuned; filled with excuses and lots of words. Lots of big words ordinary folk need dictionaries to understand. And all this after he promoted himself all over the place on life size posters as “the Right Man for the Job”. Well we know and the whole world knows, Perry Christie is “the Wrong man for the job”.
When I was sworn in as Prime Minister on the 21st August, 1992 I appointed the Attorney General on the same day – the 21st August. And in 2007 when I was sworn in as Prime Minister on the 4th May, I appointed my Attorney General on the same day – the 4th May, 2007. That’s how a Government ready on Day 1 functions.
Source: www.fnm2012.org