The editorial board of the Journal of The Bahamas Historical Society is sending out a call for papers for the 2012 journal. The deadline for submission of articles is June 30, 2012. Following are the requirements for papers:
The subject should be a historical topic on The Bahamas bringing to light new information or a new interpretation of topics of Bahamian interest. Short communications, book reviews, and profiles of Bahamian personalities are also welcome..
The article should be formatted using Chicago style with end-notes rather than footnotes.
The article should be between 10 and 15 pages, double spaced. Photographs, maps or other illustrations are welcome.
Articles should be submitted by e-mail to <jalawlor at> using a standard word processing programme such as Microsoft Word. A hard copy should also be sent to Jim & Anne Lawlor, Box N-1715, Nassau, Bahamas.
The Editorial Committee has the right to edit the article.