Like him, hate him, or love him. Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham makes tough decisions in tough times. We can rally and make all the noise we want; the next five years is critical and will be about who leads the Bahamas.
Ingraham restored the reputation of the Bahamas and was able to bring Polymers, Our Lucaya, Grand Bahama Ship Yard, Container Port, and so many other investors to Grand Bahama.
The PLP brags about creating 22,000 jobs during their last term in office and nobody can point to 10 percent of them on Grand Bahama.
It is a political promotion that Opposition Leader Perry Christie has not been able to detail to the media. In five long years, between 2002 and 2007, the PLP did not attract one substantial investor on this island, did not build a single school for Bahamian children they claim they care about, and under Christie’s leadership not one clinic for Bahamian women and their children to get proper health care. Hubert Ingraham proved he believe in Bahamian young people here. Under Ingraham we got Jack Hayward High School and Gym.
St. Georges High School and Gym, the Eight Mile Rock High School Gym, and the recently constructed Sister Mary Patricia Russell Junior High School.
Ingraham is clearly the leader who cares about Bahamian students and families.
In 25 years under the PLP, minimum wage for Bahamian workers was never implemented. Under Perry Christie no thought was given or action taken to increase minimum wage. Ingraham invested five times as much in Education in these tough times compared to what Christie calls good times during his term as Prime Minister. No wonder Christie became our first one term Prime Minister. Now Christie is running for a five year term and says he will not do the full five. That leaves the people of Grand Bahama and the Bahamas to waste about 4 years watching Obie, Brave, B.J., and the likes of Big Sad Brad kill each other politically at our expense.
Times are tough for some, but Ingraham has been better in tough times than Christie in good times. Wear the T-shirts, dance to the rallies, go on motorcades, and curse Ingraham a bit, but come Election Day, realize a vote for the PLP is a vote for Christie. The stakes are too high and the risk is too great. For our island and our future, vote for Ingraham and the FNM. Ingraham has the best team to serve Grand Bahama. I’m hoping the FNM take 5.
M. Stuart