My wife and I made our first trip to The Bahamas over our spring break last week. On March 23 we flew Air Tran from Grand Rapids Michigan via Baltimore to Nassau where we spent our first night. We then flew on Southern Air to Governor’s Harbour and stayed in the Palmetto Point area from March 24 to March 30. It was lovely! We were to return on Saturday’s 12:30 p.m. flight to Nassau where we would then fly out on the 3:40 p.m. Air Tran flight to Baltimore connecting with our Grand Rapids flight later in the evening. We arrived at the Governor’s Harbour Airport at 10:30 a.m. and checked in for our Southern Air flight.
About noon we were informed that the plane would be delayed about an hour, but no reason was given. At about 12:45 p.m. we were told there was an air traffic controllers strike (later we were informed it was a “work slow-down”), but that the plane was still expected to leave and return to Nassau in time to make our Air Tran flight.
By about 1:30 p.m. we were beginning to get nervous, but we were assured the plane would get us to Nassau on time. However by 2:15 p.m. with the Southern Air flight still sitting on the ground in Nassau not able to leave, even the very helpful staff were expressing doubt that we would get there in time. They called the Nassau Air Tran desk and were told if we didn’t get there by 2:40 p.m. we would not be allowed to board. The Southern Air plane finally did make it out to Governor’s Harbour, but not until after 3:00 p.m. and we didn’t actually get off the Southern Air flight in Nassau until after our Air Tran flight had taken off.
Air Tran was quite clear in telling us that since we missed our flight, it would do nothing to help us. Had we been able to wait a few days until they had a flight with vacant seats later in the week they would have been able to book us for just a $75 per ticket change fee, although those arrangements would have had to be made prior to our Air Tran departure time of 3:40 p.m. Saturday. But because Air Tran flights were all full for the next couple of days, and given the fact that we had to be back by Sunday night in order to be at our jobs on Monday our only option was to purchase one-way tickets back to Grand Rapids, which we were able to do on Delta.
Those tickets cost us $1,020. The least expensive hotel we were able to find for Saturday night was $250. Our cab costs to and from the hotel were an additional $60. There were of course more incidental expenses including tips, meals, etc.
We work really hard to earn enough money to live comfortably, and be able to take a spring vacation each year. These trips mean a great deal to us. The added expenses to this vacation were not budgeted or planned for. What is more upsetting to us personally, however, is that they were entirely unnecessary. There was no weather problem or mechanical failure. This work slow-down by Bahamas air traffic controllers was conducted intentionally with no regard whatsoever for the harm done to innocent travelers.
Let me be clear. We loved our Bahamas trip. We thought we paid a fair price for our experience — that is, until we started home. We now feel the price we paid was anything but fair. How do you think you would feel about travel to The Bahamas if you were us?
I sent an email message to Senator Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace, minister of tourism and aviation, but have not heard back from his office.
By: John Stephenson