Over the past weekend BTC took its Neighborhood Connect program to Old Bight, Cat Island where hundreds of Cat Islanders were treated to a street party complete with local entertainment, local cuisine and giveaways, while browsing the latest technology and services from BTC and being among the first to sign up for high-speed internet service.
Cat Island is among the first to experience BTC’s NGN – Next Generation Network. The NGN platform, developed at a cost of more than $55 million, will bring high-speed internet service into small and large communities around the country, covering the majority of Bahamian islands by year-end. Throughout the islands, this technology will allow subscribers access to faster internet connections and downloads all while improving the quality and reliability of voice service.

In many of the islands NGN will replace the outdated dialup service offered by BTC, which for many residents had been their only access to the internet over the years.
“This high-speed I-Connect broadband product is being introduced to communities like Cat Island through the Neighborhood Connect Initiative, which is geared toward bringing BTC to their customers, instead of waiting on customers to come to the company, as they did in the past,” said Marlon Johnson VP Brand & Communications Marlon Johnson. Customers signing up for BTC’s I-Connect internet services will receive much better value with a per megabyte price, in some cases almost half of what customers are paying at the other internet service provider.”
On Saturday, Cat Islanders were able to sign up for 4Mb and 8mb hi-speed internet service and or ViBe phone service. It meant that in some instances, for the first time, these residents could have virtually uninterrupted internet access and or call friends and relatives around the country or internationally at a fraction of the cost. Throughout the day’s event, BTC customer service representatives signed up over 200 customers for the service, many eager to receive it for the first time or to upgrade from what they already had.
“It is also significant that we are taking high-speed internet service to many areas in the country not currently serviced,” shared Johnson. “The investments we are making in infrastructure in communities small and large demonstrate our commitment to all of The Bahamas, and not a privileged subset in the larger more lucrative locations of the country.”
“This is a great day for Cat Island,” said a resident. “We have been asking and hoping for something like this for years and finally its here. We are very fortunate to have this.”
While the adults signed up for service, the youngsters were kept entertained with no shortage of activities which included free face painting, pop corn, cotton candy and hoop-la. Residents enjoyed the sounds of Lassie Doh Boys, Blanche and Jack, The Angels from Zion, Bo-hog and St. John’s Native Baptist Church choir.
Diane Phillips & Associates