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Suspect Dies While in Police Custody

law enforcementBahamians are demanding answers from the police after another prisoner died while being “questioned” by Central Detective Unit officers.

Tyrone Saunders, 22, was found dead in a cell at Central Detective Unit (CDU) on Thompson Boulevard, Friday.

According to police, Saunders was arrested near Bamboo Shack on Baillou Hill Road on Thursday for questioning in connection with a murder.

He was taken to the Grove Police Station and later transferred to CDU.

While tasked with an almost impossible job, CDU officers are still police officers and are supposed to act according to the rules of police conduct.

Many Bahamians say they don’t.

There have been dozens of complaints over the years and several deaths of prisoners who have been in their charge.

Some Bahamians say the officers are a gruff lot who are rude, violent and fail to follow the proper procedures.

Others are afraid to file complaints because of the possible backlash from the officers, who seemily act on impunity.

Improper behaviour on the part of police officers weakens support for the police and ultimately leads to an increase in crime, something The Bahamas can ill afford.

Coroner Linda Virgil has launched an investigation into Mr Saunder’s death.

Officer in Charge of CDU, Superintendent Paul Rolle refused to comment on the  matter yesterday, saying he did not know what exactly happened.

“We extend condolences to Mrs. McKenzie,” Rolle said.  “… All of us would like to know what happened.”

He said the coroner’s investigation would be made public.

Saunders leaves behind a two-year-old son, Tyreek.

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