In one of the most appalling instances of bad taste and bad governance, Prime Minister Perry Christie has used the unfortunate death of his mother-in-law as an excuse for failing to perform his responsibilities to the Bahamian people.
Trixie Hanna died at Princess Margaret Hospital yesterday morning at age 81.
However, after campaigning on the promise that his adminsitration would be “ready on Day One”, the board apppointments should have been thought out and ready to go, long before Trixie Hanna even became critically ill.
Mr Christie’s disgraceful use of a family member’s detah as an excuse for his legendary incompetence is the height of callousness and poor judgement.
The Prime Minister’s inappropriate excuses were in response to FNM critcism about his failure to appoint statutory boards in a timely manner. It appears that this bahaviour is a repeat of Mr Christie’s earlier stint as PM, which resulted in voter’s booting him from office after one term due to his lack of punctuality and incomptence, among other things.
On Monday FNM Chairman Charles Maynard criticized the prime Minister for failing to appoint new statutory boards.
“The majority of directors appointed by the FNM government tendered their resignations shortly after the May 7 election,” Maynard said in a statement.
“As of June 30, 2012, the tenure of most of the statutory boards expired by law. Now, most of these organizations are without directors. This means that with the Christie administration’s failure to appoint new boards, there are no legal grounds for previous directors to carry on. Those positions are now vacant.”
As governance wanes, promises are broken and excuses for delays continue to roll out of the PLP administration, it now appears that Mr Christie and his team never expected to actually win the election and they have no intention of living up to any of their wildly ambitious campaign promises, including the promise to be “ready on Day One”.