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Turks and Caicos Passes Election Reform Laws

Governor Ric Todd

Turks and Caicos Islands Governor Ric Todd has signalled another key milestone on the route to the resumption of elections in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) on 9 November by signing into law the Political Activities Ordinance, which comes into effect on August 28, 2012.

The ordinance is the result of much work, and is a first in the Caribbean region. It comes at the culmination of full and careful consultation, including with the two political parties. The ordinance sets out clearly how parties finance themselves and account for the money they raise; who can donate and the amounts; and controls how the parties spend the money raised in their election campaigning.

Todd commented: “This ordinance marks a big step in making TCI politics open and transparent, and it will be key in avoiding the abuses that occurred in the past. I am sure it will be widely welcomed. TCI is leading the way in the region.”

Source: Caribbean News Now!

Posted in Politics

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