Clint Eastwood just “made my day” with his “Invisible Obama” speech at the Republican National Convention. He is right in claiming now that, “Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the American people”.
Four years ago, Obama campaigned for the “audacity of hope,” appearing as an “angel of light.” Since becoming president, he has militantly and forcefully fought to establish and entrench in the minds, hearts, souls and behaviour of Americans the dark evils of abortion, sterilization, homosexuality, contraception and embryonic stem-cell research. Where religious freedom and the economy are concerned he has become the “invisible president”.
Now that his mask is off, Americans can no longer sit on the sidelines and allow themselves to be ruled by a president drunk with power. They must engage Obama’s challenge. They must take up the good fight to ensure that he is not given another term in which to destroy the very soul of America with his anti-life, anti-family, anti-religious policies.
It’s nice to see that there are still some “beautiful people” left in decadent Hollywood that have not been totally taken in by the charlatan Barack Obama and his Godless agenda.
Hopefully other big shot movie stars and starlets will take the hint and leave their egos at the door long enough to become a “Magnum Force” for Romney to take the White House this November.