The Hunger Games star Lenny Kravtiz talks about how he became attached to the films, what attracted him to the role and how he could empathise with the franchise’s main character Katniss Everdeen.

How did you get involved in The Hunger Games?
Lenny Kravitz Lenny Kravitz plays Cinna in The Hunger Games (Picture: Getty)
Gary Ross, the director, called me. I was in the Bahamas recording my album, Black And White America. He said: ‘I saw you in Precious and I liked the way you played that role. That character has similar qualities to Cinna, a certain quietness and a calmness and compassion. I would like you to play this role.’ And that was it. I thought: ‘Wow!’ Then I had to read the books.
What did you think when you read the first book?
Amazing. Simply, it kept me on the edge of my seat. I did not want to put it down. I thought: ‘What is happening?’ And then I thought: ‘If this guy is going to make this film, if it’s going to be anywhere near the book, it’s going to be a nice ride.’
Can you give me an overview of your character?
Cinna is a young man who works for The Capitol. He is assigned as stylist to Katniss Everdeen. His job is to create fantastic outfits and help her to define her character. On the surface, he is the stylist but on the other hand he’s helping her to save her life by making her attractive, interesting and so forth.