How do we as a constitutionally proclaimed Christian nation even consider it acceptable to legally sanction gambling? What could possibly be our reasoning?
Some say “everybody already doing it.” Is this the message we dare send to our children? So, if all the other students are rude to the teacher, do we condone our kids being rude?
Is it not our responsibility as well-meaning, decision-making adults to distinguish right from wrong?
Do we lack the courage to stand up for right? Better yet, would legalizing gambling make it right in God’s eyes?
Some say “it generates money for everybody, the church and government included.” Do we really feel that everything that brings us monetary gain is acceptable?
Is that the message we soberly choose to send to our young? Can our brilliant minds not find more creative, positive ways to generate revenue and increase employment in our Bahamaland?
Perhaps it is easier to slither down to the lowest depths of society to find our solutions. Are we using wicked methods to gain godly results?
Maybe we find more joy in subscribing to the filthy devices of the enemy for our success stories.
Do we believe when some say “ain’t nothing wrong with it”? Could it be that in the comforts of our progress, we have overlooked the error in calling evil good (Isaiah 5:20)?
The question arises “to whom do we look for our source”? As christian people, do we remember to lift up our eyes to the hills from whence cometh our help (Psalm 121).
Our help comes from the Lord.
Some say “it does not hurt anybody.” Well, let’s reflect. I quite recall a time when our Sundays were kept sacred. But, soon we became hungry for more, more money.
We all agreed to engage in Sunday shopping. But, are we any better off for it? Are unemployment rates significantly lower?
Is our GDP that much higher? Perhaps, our financial analysts can do the math and let us know.
On the flip side, have crime, murder and violence increased exponentially over the recent years?
Make no mistake, the results of today’s decisions are not seen immediately.
Rather, time brings all things to light. Some say “let the people decide.” Cliche as it may seem, I am reminded of a familiar behavior we often call “the Pontius Pilate.”
The more insightful issue: Does an open door to gambling allow its companion spirits to also freely roam our borders?
Are we sliding down the slippery slope to referendums on polygamy and same sex marriages?
As we know, the enemy is full of trickery. It is his plan for us to mistrust and lose faith in God’s ability to keep His word. Do we firmly believe that our God will supply all our needs? (Philippians 4: 19)
Even the enemy knows this to be true. But he is filled with laughter and mockery to see just how far we will allow him to lead us away from the presence of God – his ultimate plan.
Do we choose to forget one of only two times when Jesus vehemently displayed his anger at the “money changers” (Matthew 21:12)?
The weak make decisions that seem to improve their lives today.
The wise make decisions that they know will positively impact their future. What legacy will we leave for our children? Can we sleep with our choices?
Concerned Bahamian