The National Coastal Awareness Committee is inviting the public to participate in a Fun Run/Walk to commemorate its 10th Anniversary. The event will be held on Saturday, November 17, 2012 in Fresh Creek, Andros in conjunction with the 2012 Harvest Festival. The route will be along the beautiful Andros shoreline from Lighthouse Point to Calabash Bay.
“We are really excited to hold these signature events together in Andros this year,” said Peter Douglas, Ministry of Tourism representative for Andros. “Harvest Fest is held close to Thanksgiving in recognition of the common heritage between Americans and Bahamians. The festival includes music, native cooking demonstrations, a people to people reception, a local produce and fish market; as well as Andros textiles, arts and crafts. The Fun Run/Walk is a wonderful way to give thanks for the natural beauty bestowed upon Andros and our entire country while raising awareness of its value and the important work of the National Coastal Awareness Committee.”
“The social and economic value of the Bahamian coastline cannot be overemphasized. Our coastal eco-system defines who we are as a nation,” said Earlston McPhee, Chairman of the National Coastal Awareness Committee (NCAC) and Director of Sustainable Tourism Development for the Ministry of Tourism. “Health wise we are connected to our coast and marine life through recreation and what we eat. We have to understand the main threats to the coast that impede our quality of life in order to appreciate it and thus protect it,” he continued.
The National Coastal Awareness Committee has partnered with Bahamas Fast Ferries and RBC Royal Bank to encourage residents of Nassau to participate in the Fun, Run, Walk and to enjoy Harvest Fest. A ferry will leave Nassau at 3a.m. bound for Fresh Creek, Andros ahead of the 7:30 a.m. event, returning to Nassau at 3 p.m.
Bahamas Ferries is a proud sponsor of the event,” said Darnell Frazer, Sales and Marketing Manager for Bahamas Ferries. “Andros is an important destination to us. Therefore, it is a natural fit for us to partner with the Coastal Awareness Committee and throw our support behind such a noteworthy event, which certainly aligns with our community-minded initiatives in Andros.”
“RBC is again pleased to support the efforts of the National Coastal Awareness Committee,” said Jan Knowles, Manager, Public Relations and Communications, RBC Bahamas. “Our shoreline is one of the country’s greatest assets and the work of the committee is critical to the sustainability of our country as a tourism destination,” she concluded.
“Our goal is to get people to come out and enjoy and discover the beautiful coast of Andros. We want to invoke a deeper appreciation for its social and economic value and allow participants to understand what it means to have a healthy coastal eco-system. The Fun, Run, Walk is a great way to show a direct link from understanding how critical it is to preserve our coastline in the preservation of the culture of life for The Bahamas as a touristic destination to how it directly affects us” said Mr, McPhee.
“For the past ten years, our Committee has continued to promote our core message throughout the islands of The Bahamas which is to create an awareness of the threats to our coastal environment and to educate them on solutions which will assist in sustaining our way of life for generations to come. This year the committee wanted to get people to really see the coast and take in the beauty of what we have here in our islands in hope that we will realize how important it is to protect our home as coastal people. We held a walk earlier in the year in Nassau and now we encourage everyone to join us in Andros.”
Event organizer Adrianna Hutchinson, Coastal Awareness Committee member, encourages all persons to register now for the event, by contacting the Bahamas National Coastal Awareness Committee at 362-5558, or on Facebook. Registration Forms may also be collected from and dropped off at the following locations: Ministry of Tourism, George Street opposite Pirates of Nassau (contact Janel Campbell 302-2000); The Bahamas Reef Environment Education Foundation (BREEF), Caves Village (327-9000); or at the Bahamas National Trust Retreat, Village Road (393-1317) every Friday leading up to the event.
The cost of the event is $99 for adults and $69 for children 11 and under and includes the roundtrip ferry to Andros, T-shirt and Coastal Awareness bag. Participants will have the opportunity to win a number of excellent prizes including a vacation for 4 at Schooner Bay, inclusive of air transportation and all marine activities. All proceeds benefit the National Coastal Awareness Committee.
The 2012 Coastal Awareness Committee includes members from the following organizations: Ministry of Tourism; Bahamas Environment Science and Technology Commission (BEST); Bahamas Hotel Association; Bahamas National Trust; Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation (BREEF); Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas; College of The Bahamas; Department of Environmental Health Services; Department of Marine Resources; Dive Stuart Cove; Dolphin Encounters Ltd.; The Nature Conservancy; Ministry of Education, Science and Technology; Port Department; The College of The Bahamas; The University of The West Indies.
For more information on National Coastal Awareness month, visit The Bahamas National Coastal Awareness Committee on Facebook and click “LIKE”, or to become a sponsor please contact Earlston McPhee at 356-6963/67/38.
Bahamas Media Consulants Ltd.