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Gambling Discrimination To Be Reviewed… Now What About Discrimination Against Women?

The Constitutional Review Commission will look at the clause which bars Bahamians from casino gambling and is expected to make a recommendation to the government on the controversial matter, chairman Sean McWeeney confirmed.

His comments came about a week after Prime Minister Perry Christie exclusively told The Nassau Guardian that the issue would be part of next year’s constitutional referendum only if recommended by the group.

“It is a matter which will be considered by the Constitutional Commission,” McWeeney said before the group met for a closed session. “The prime minister recently indicated that . . .it wasn’t going to be included in the gambling referendum because it was a matter that he would prefer to be dealt with by the Constitutional Review Commission in the context of the provisions of the constitution which, at least, purport to justify the exclusion of Bahamians from casino gambling as one of the exceptions to the provisions against discrimination.”

McWeeney said that members of the commission had indicated their desire to deal with the casino question before the prime minister made his comments.

Opposition leader Dr. Hubert Minnis said the FNM would support changes to the constitution that were a part of the failed 2002 referendum – mainly changes that will eliminate the discrimination against women, create an independent boundaries commission and create the constitutional office of the parliamentary commissioner.

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