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Minnis Urges Vote ‘No’ In Faulty Referendum

Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis said that if the details of the upcoming gambling referendum remain unclear then Bahamians should vote ‘no’ to the legalization of web shop gaming.

“If you don’t know, I say to the Bahamian people vote no,” said Minnis at a press conference at FNM headquarters.

Prime Minister Perry Christie has announced in the House of Assembly that the December 3 referendum, which is three weeks away, would not include the question of a national lottery.

He said it was scrapped based on advice from London-based consultants Dixon, Wilson & Co.

Christie has promised to give the media an opportunity to speak to the consultants.

Minnis said Bahamians are in the dark concerning the upcoming referendum.

Minnis said the government has failed to consider the views of the public.

“Are Bahamians being asked to vote for a free-for-all, or all-for-the-few?

Caption: Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis during a press conference at FNM headquarters. In the background is Deputy Leader of the FNM Loretta Butler-Turner. TORRELL GLINTON / TNG

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