Even if they focused solely on criminal cases in 2013, the 12 current Supreme Court judges could not clear the backlog of outstanding cases, Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson.
In response to the growing backlog, which Mrs Maynard-Gibson called a “grave concern”, the top prosecutors in her office have been chosen to tackle cases under the re-implemented “Swift Justice” initiative.
“The office of the Attorney Gerenal has created a division, led by the former solicitor general and the former OC of prosecutions, whose sole responsibility is the administration of criminal cases,” she said during yesterday’s official opening of the legal year.
“Its audit of matters in OAG (Office of the Attorney General) from 2002 to date reveals that the number of matters outstanding in OAG is such that if 12 judges of the Supreme Court sat hearing only criminal matters for all of 2013 the backlog of cases would not be cleared by the end of 2013.