The Department of Culture of the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture launched the E. Clement Bethel National Arts Festival 2013, now in its 54th year of existence, with the announcement of the festival’s adjudicators for 2013 on Friday, February 1 at its offices.
Adjudicators are Ms. Elizabeth Thornton, Choral & Instrumental Music; Mr. Lawrence Carroll, Dance; Mr. Valentine Maura, Drama and Mr. Allan P. Wallace, Art and Crafts.
Daniel Johnson, Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture said “over the years, the festival has expanded to include all facets of the visual and performing arts, thus making it the only true National Festival in The Bahamas. This festival is designed to not only exhibit the unique creativity of The Bahamian youth but also to showcase our Bahamian culture.”
Schools throughout the length and breadth of The Bahamas are invited to participate in the categories of Music, Dance, Drama and Art &Craft, Minister Johnson said. Competition amongst the schools has proven to be very exciting as young aspiring artists and artisans are discovered and exposed.
Festival dates are as follows in Grand Bahama: Drama and Music adjudications March 5 -15 and Dance March 11-14. In New Providence Music March 18 & 25-27 April 9-12; Drama March 25-27 & April 9-12; Dance March 4-8. Art and Craft official opening exhibition September 16 Adjudications and Exhibition 16-27.
“Participants are reminded that the closing date for the National Arts Festival for all Dance Music and Drama entries in Grand Bahama is Monday, February 18 and the closing date for New Providence entries is Wednesday, February 20. The closing date for Art and Craft entries for New Providence and Grand Bahama is June 21” said Minister Johnson.
Further note that the adjudication dates for all Family Islands commence on Monday, April 29 through to the first week in June.
By Bahamas Information Services