I represent Citizens For Justice. I am certain that the people of the Bahamas are aware that I do not support gambling in any form because of my moral and biblical convictions.
I also do not support any discriminatory practices against citizens of the Bahamas. I support equal opportunities for ALL Bahamians, whether it be in business, finance or any other discipline.
If Bahamians cannot gamble, then no foreigner or tourist should be allowed to gamble in the Bahamas. I am not advocating for gambling, but for justice and equality for Bahamian citizens. For too long political leaders have oppressed the masses and given more opportunities to foreigners while Bahamians are denied the same rights.
The bill before parliament should NOT be approved.
It is hypocritical and evil to even consider to give foreigners rights and privileges that citizens do not possess. These discriminatory practices are in violation of the constitutional rights of every Bahamian.
I stand with any organization that is opposed to the repressive system that has been inflicted on the Bahamian people for so many years. While I am opposed to gambling, I am in total support of equal rights and justice for ALL.
I also support the government’s immigration policy to cancel work permits for foreigners and give those jobs to qualified Bahamians who are hurting and desperately in need of jobs. I am calling on the government to not limit these jobs to maids and gardeners but to investigate other areas where foreigners are holding Bahamian jobs in accounting, construction, real estate and the financial industry. Those work permits should also be cancelled and the jobs be given to qualified Bahamians.
If the repressive practices in the Bahamas that give foreigners an advantage over Bahamians continue, there will be massive unrest and outcry throughout the nation. We must bring an end to discrimination, victimization and marginalizing our people so that the country can move forward. Equal rights for Bahamians are long overdue and if it does not happen forthwith, we may see a peaceful revolution. People are simply tired of living like second class citizens in their own country. Bahamians should be allowed to participate in the ownership of every business in the nation including off shore banks and other areas that are restricted.
Bishop Walter S. Hanchell