The failures of the PLP government continue to mount and it is clear Perry Christie and his crew will be a one-term government one more time.
Under the PLP, the fees have been raised on the students at The College of The Bahamas. Then when those students tried to enter the House of Assembly, the police blocked them. In a democratic country, the police blocked college students from their Parliament. What a disgrace.
Then we had a former PLP Cabinet minister and a current one blaming the United States government for contributing to our crime problem by dumping criminal deportees on this country.
That is an insult to our best friend in the community of nations. But, the gold rush crew isn’t worried about that. They speak then think later.
The latest debacle for them is the raid on Atlantis. The resort employs more Bahamians that any other private company. Yet, rather than handle a question about a work permit with discretion, immigration officers went to the place and took the sea lion trainer not realizing that her permit denial was under appeal.
This embarrassing episode has been reported on by the media and can be read about worldwide. The gold rush government does not seem to care about the impact of its actions on the international reputation of our country.
Perry Christie was only reelected prime minister because people were upset with Hubert Ingraham in bad times. Christie was the default choice. Now we again see why we voted him out.
The Bahamas needs new leadership. It’s sad that we have to wait four years to vote out this crew. Just as their last term was filled with scandals and disappointment, it is clear that this one will be too.
I fear what will come of The Bahamas under four more years of PLP rule.
By: Martha S. Greene