Wayne Munroe is starting to sound like Chicken Little. Every day, the disingenuous attorney, who is the legal hack for the web shop boys, has some new threat about how the sky will fall if his clients can’t continue their illegal businesses.
Thousands will be laid off.
Organized crime will take over.
The police will be sorry if they raid web shops.
The government will get sued.
The sky will fall. Pluck, pluck, pluck!
All of this is, of course, pure nonsense. Let’s examine these claims one-by-one.
Thousands will be laid off
First of all, there are not thousands of web shop workers, there are a few hundred. Anybody who tells you differently is lying. There would have to be nearly 100 workers at every pitiful little web shop for there to be 4,000 employees total. And that is not the case.
There will be zero impact on the Bahamian economy due to layoffs in web shops.
And, more importantly, if the web shops are currently not allowing gambling… if they are doing nothing illegal, why do they have to lay off employees at all. If, as they say, they are merely acting as web shops, why can’t it just be business as usual?
I’ll tell you why?
Because all the web shops are engaging in the illegal business of running numbers. A business that has been illegal in The Bahamas for decades. This has to stop, it is eroding respect for the law in The Bahamas.
Organized crime will take over
This is, without a doubt, the most stupid comment Mr Munroe has uttered.
The web shops are already owned by organized criminals. One of the top web shop operators has even been indicted on money laundering and human-trafficking charges in the United States. They are a group of people who have made their fortunes by engaging in illegal activities. Like drugs, prostitution and human-trafficking, the industry is dominated by organized crime.
Munroe says it would drive the industry ‘underground’. Where is it now? If it is illegal and run by organized criminals, that means that we are allowing an underground industry to operate above ground. There is more damage to society by doing that, than anything Mr Munroe can try to scare up.
Mr Munroe’s warning, some would call it a threat, carries no weight because organized crime has already taken over. That is why it is so difficult to shut the web shops down. Government officials are in debt to the crooks for all the campaign money they received, and they are afraid they will be found in the trunk of a car if they go against the super-wealthy mafia-like leaders of the web shop industry.
The police will be sorry if they raid web shops
This is a direct threat to the Royal Bahamas Police Force, and if Commissioner Greenslade wasn’t so terrified of the organised criminals behind the web shops, he would arrest them, and Mr Munroe, for even making such a comment.
The government will get sued
Only the most corrupt judge, and luckily there aren’t any of those in The Bahamas, would entertain a lawsuit from organized criminals against the government… for enforcing the law.
The fact there is scheduled a “substantive hearing” on May 24, concerning whether illegal businesses can continue their operations is already stretching the limits of legal sanity.
Mr Munroe’s threat is toothless and any lawsuit initiated by the crooks should be thrown out of court like their protective injunction was.
It is time for Wayne Munroe to shut his pie-hole and stop talking foolishness about how the sky will fall and the world will end if his crooked clients don’t get their way.
It is also time for Commissioner Greenslade, who says no one can tell him what to do, to start doing the job we pay him for and shut these illegal businesses down… today!
Just sayin’
By: Concerned Citizen