Regarding pop star Justin Bieber’s recent meltdown:
It is not surprising that pop star Justin Bieber continues to have plenty of “Beliebers” throughout the world despite his recent meltdown.
Very little of what we believe today is based on objective truth but on mere sophistries manufactured by the media, lobby groups, government and advertising companies. For all intents and purposes we live in a virtual world of fragmented images and half-truths.
In this virtual world, when we like a person we tend to praise that person’s most insignificant feats out of all proportion as well as to make excuses for all the wrongs they do. When we don’ t like someone we tend to belittle their great achievements and even invent bad things about them that aren’t true. This is evident not only in our personal relationships with others but especially in the world of entertainment, religion and politics.
When objective truth, and with it morality, dies we are left to our own devices and the sad result is a world of selfishness and false compassion – a world without love. The darker side of this spectrum is the stark reality of abortion, contraception, same-sex marriage, easy divorce, genetic manipulation and euthanasia which is infecting the globe.
Paul Kokoski