Did she or didn’t she? The Commonwealth of The Bahamas turns 40 today, July 10, and the truth is, she’s had some work done. The roads of Nassau Paradise Island are smoother – partly to make way for the mega-resort Baha Mar – and the Lynden Pindling International Airport is in the final phase of a complete redesign. The turquoise water and white sand beaches? Those remain untouched.
In celebration of the islands-nation’s 40th birthday as a sovereign nation, independent from Great Britain, the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism is hosting a variety of travel promotions and cultural events open to visitors over the next year. From now through June 30th, 2014, travelers who book a four-night air-inclusive package from Nassau to one of The Bahamas Out Islands will receive complimentary round trip airfare for two. Those who book an air-inclusive package from Nassau to an Out Island for three nights will receive complimentary round trip airfare for one. Bookings are valid for travel from now through October 31st, 2014. Some restrictions and limitations may apply*. Visit www.bahamas.com for more information or to book your trip.
Interested in joining the 40th birthday festivities? Throughout the summer, there is an independence-themed event nearly every day of the week on multiple islands in The Bahamas. Rush-out with Junkanoo on Bay Street in Nassau Paradise Island on Friday nights. Or join annual cultural festivals including the Cat Island Rake & Scape, Eleuthera Pineapple Festival and North Andros Crab Festival which incorporate tributes to the Commonwealth’s history. Like The Bahamas on Facebook for event updates.
Of course, no matter the time of year travelers can always get a taste of The Bahamas culture, history and friendly locals through The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism’s People to People cultural exchange. The People to People program “matches” visitors, often entire families, with more than 500 Bahamian volunteers of similar ages and interests throughout the islands, providing an opportunity to learn about the country and the culture from the locals who know it best. Day or evening activities could include boating, fishing, shopping at the local outdoor market, attending a local school or, more often, visiting Bahamians in their home for a traditional meal of Peas ‘n’ Rice, fried fish and Guava Duff.
Visit www.Bahamas.com to learn more about The Bahamas and book the Independence Deal Instant Savings. You may also begin your trip planning by taking a virtual tour around the islands, zooming in on points of interest with the Ministry of Tourism’s new web design. Photography layered with interactive hot spots provides helpful information while details on getting to The Bahamas via daily flights from the U.S. are sprinkled throughout. Travelers can also call 1-800-Bahamas for more information or to arrange a booking.
Source: The Ministry of Tourism