Five people were shot at a nightclub last Thursday night and three of the victims remained in hospital, police said.
Responding to questions during an interview with The Miami Herald, Fred Mitchell said Bahamians were ‘shocked and fed up’ with protests in Miami about three…
Driving west on New Providence it is hard not to be amazed by the giant of a resort rising to the sky. Baha Mar, which…
Bahamas Speed Week is delighted that five times Le Mans winner has agreed to be their 2013 Patron and for the first time in nearly…
We need to stop using this term “medical tourism” as it relates to The Bahamas – thus giving foreigners the impression that they can travel…
A honeymooning US couple were sleeping in their Cable Beach vacation rental when two men broke in, tied them up with tape and stole all…
When you hear the phrase “the business of the House” as it pertains to parliament, that business refers to our business – the people’s business.
The Grand Bahama Port Authority, Limited and Grand Bahama Development Company joined with key government officials at the 17th annual National Association of Black Hotel…
Cubans in Florida continue a hunger strike in protest of the alleged abuse of undocumented Cuban detainees in the Bahamas.