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U.S. Embassy Hosts Consular Appreciation Reception

On Wednesday, September 25, the United States Embassy’s Consular Affairs Section held an appreciation reception at the SuperClubs Breezes Resort on Cable Beach.  The event, which brought together Consular’s key partners served as an opportunity to recognize some of the Embassy’s most critical and helpful contacts who provide assistance on many levels – ranging from routine and emergency services to natural disaster planning.

On hand for the event, the Embassy’s Acting Deputy Chief of Mission, John Armstrong, Acting Chief Consul, Brandon Borkowicz, the Minister of Tourism, The Hon. Obie Wilchcombe and other senior U.S. and Bahamian officials. During the reception, the Embassy formally recognized individuals who have provided exceptional service over the last year. Mr. Peter Joseph and Ms. Sophia Bailey of Bahamas Immigration were honored for their cooperation in very difficult American Citizen Services cases.

United States Embassy, Nassau
Caption: Acting Deputy Chief of Mission, John Armstrong, Mr. Peter Joseph, Bahamas Immigration and Minister of Tourism, Obie Wilchcombe.

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