The “Bahama Lobster Pirates” follows life on the Atlantic Ocean aboard six lobster boats during the annual lobster season. The show takes place in one of the most picturesque tropical settings on earth, the beautiful Bahamas. Follow the hard work it takes to preserve this highly coveted commodity, and the compelling drama that unfolds during the first 30 days of the of lobster hunting season.
Photos, show details and video promo can be found on the official website:
Tune in each week for a spectacular underwater adventure, experience the everyday life, drama and competitive rivalries within the crews and between the fleets as they compete to come home as the Top Crew and Boat.
About Bahama Lobster Pirates: “Bahama Lobster Pirates” is an exciting new reality TV-Show filmed in the breathtaking Bahamas, premiering February 15th, 2014, Prime Time on the Sportsman Channel, Saturday nights at 8:30.
Fishtales Film Productions is a Florida based film production company, dedicated to producing wildlife, nature and documentary films specializing in underwater film production. We work in all stages of the film making process, from development through distribution.