So the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Fred Mitchell made the claim in a speech at a school in Trinidad and Tobago that his political career suffers because of his support for the homosexual community. What Mitchell exactly meant by the claim is somewhat confusing, considering the fact that he has won three consecutive elections dating back to 2002 in Fox Hill. And, as was the case in the first Christie administration, Mitchell is a sitting member of the Cabinet and is considered one of the heavyweights in the current government.
If nothing else can be said of Mitchell, it is that his political career has blossomed. Mitchell wants Bahamians to accept the homosexual lifestyle for what it is. This is basically the gist of his tolerance message that he has been preaching as of late. I really hope the minister was speaking for himself and not for the Christie government.
And in light of the economic malaise gripping the country and the impending introduction of the valued-added tax regime, I hope his visit to Trinidad and Tobago was funded by the Kamla Persad-Bissessar government. With a treasury which is already cash strapped, now is not the time to be travelling to a faraway country to speak about saving CARICOM. Mitchell was spot on when he said that there is a religious aversion to homosexuality. The Bahamas is culturally Christian with an estimated 4,000 churches, parachurches and ministries. Each weekend tens of thousands of Bahamians attend church where the Bible, which strongly and emphatically condemns homosexuality, is proclaimed and taught.
By and large, most Bahamians believe in traditional values, even if they themselves don’t adhere to them. One of these traditional values is heterosexual marriage between one man and one woman. Anything other than this is strictly prohibited by the Bible, and that includes homosexuality, which is really a perversion, no matter how Mitchell and other gay lobbyists slice it. There’s simply no getting around this stubborn fact.
And before one shouts me down as outdated and before one rails at the Bible as being anachronistic, and before one snubs at the church as comprising of ignorant, uneducated folks, please bear in mind that some of the keenest thinkers in history such as C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, G.K. Chesterton, Malcolm Muggeridge and St. Augustine of Hippo all attended church and believed and obeyed the Bible. Moreover, there is an abundance of archeological and historical evidence which authenticates the Bible.
The evidence is there for all to see. The evidence has been amply documented by august luminaries such as Joshua McDowell in his massive two volume “Evidence That Demands a Verdict” and the multilingual Dr. Gleason L. Archer who wrote “Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties” and former atheist turned Christian Lee Strobel, who wrote “The Case for Faith”, and who has a law degree and at one time was a journalist for The Chicago Tribune.
The value system Mitchell is promoting is currently bringing about the demise of many nations in Europe. For example, France, Spain, Belgium, to name a few.
These nations are under the judgment of God. If this country abandons its Christian heritage – a heritage which is responsible for the prosperity Western civilization has enjoyed – then we in this country will also undergo the same judgment Europe is experiencing.
Mitchell is trying to change The Bahamas. Bahamians of all political and denominational persuasions who hold traditional values near and dear must stand united and oppose his radical secularization agenda before its too late.
By: Kevin Evans