Of the many attrition wars being fought in the Bahamas today there is one that is now more than a decade old. It The FNM seems to be unable to come to terms with the fact that the main driver for the proposed referendum on the Constitution will not only be the PLP, but a PLP under Perry Christie.
A simpler and possibly truer explanation is that after smelling blood in the water left there by the FNM’s poorly constructed PR campaign and pushed by a party desperate to emerge from their ten years in the wilderness, Mr Christie led a strong and successful campaign which prevented the Bahamas emerging from the dark ages all for the sake of political expediency.
Considering the fact that as the then Leader of the Opposition Mr Christie voted in favour of all the bills in Parliament relating to the 2002 referendum and then went outside of the House of Assembly and took a different position, one could see why Mr Cash claims that some Bahamians and FNMs in particular have not forgotten this “duplicity”.
“(FNMs see) Mr Christie’s move as a purely crass political move. Feelings of betrayal still loom large,” Mr Cash said.
Click here to read the complete article by By Rupert Missick, Jr at tribune242.com