Executive Chairman of the Bahamas Electricity Corporation (BEC) Leslie Miller says there are approximately 20,000 residential consumers whose past due electricity bills are $5,000 or more.
“Believe it or not, the average homeowner owes BEC in many cases in excess of $5,000,” Miller told a local paper.
“This is a very, very serious problem. Our accounts receivable is in excess of $130 million. About 75 percent of that is owed by homeowners.
“We are going to have to reconstruct our system because we have serious problems with our cash flow.
“We have problems paying our bills. We can barely afford to purchase fuel.”
When asked how consumers were able to accumulate such high bills, Miller said BEC employees have given “breaks to their friends”.
“What has happened is that over the years there has been accumulation of friends,” he said.
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