In an effort to ensure that residents do their part to help the island remain clean, green and pristine, members of the Keep Grand Bahama Clean (KGBC) group, along with a number of civic organizations, conducted a one day island-wide cleanup, which took place this past Saturday in predetermined areas throughout the island.
The loose debris collection project has become an annual event during the anniversary month of the Keep Grand Bahama Clean organization. The primary aim of this project targets residents, whom the KGBC team members hope to increase awareness of locals, that acts of littering and indiscriminate dumping destroy our island.
KGBC Chairperson Nakira Wilchcombe said, “We are truly pleased to be celebrating the 8th anniversary of the Keep Grand Bahama Clean initiative. The initiative is one that constantly focuses on partnership at all levels, with our guiding mantra that it’s’ everyone’s business and everyone’s responsibility. Today marks the day when various organizations come together in a show of solidarity to make a statement that our island should always be clean.”
“Daily,” Wilchcombe continued, “we are raging a war against the ills of littering and indiscriminate dumping, hoping somehow that we can sensitize persons in our communities that this is not how we should be treating God’s environment.”
GB Shipyard Training Manager and three time clean up participant Don Forbes, shared the importance of making an impact in their community by preserving their environment. “We have been doing this for a while now because if our environment is clean and it looks good, it compliments us as a shipyard. We are known as one of the best shipyards in the world and I think that plays a very important part in creating a proper working environment for when we cater to our clients by repairing ships,” he said. “We live in these neighborhoods that we are cleaning and we are doing this for the country, not just ourselves. The shipyard is always a part of anything that positively contributes to our environment and the community,” Forbes added.
Also sharing similar sentiments, GB Nature Tours Senior Tour Guide, Tony Newbold offered his teams thoughts behind their five year commitment. “I’ve had the support of the staff at GB Nature Tours for the past five years and we’re doing this because we care about our environment. We want to make sure that we take care of our surroundings, and we at GB Nature Tours work outside in the environment and we show tourists around everyday so we want to show them a nice clean place,” he said.
The KGBC team would like to thank all residents who have participated in the island’s recent cleanup, and commends all residents who have participated in any cleanup of the past. Members of the KGBC team would like to remind us all that cleanups of this type are intended to invoke a greater sense of pride in our own actions and therefore it’s everyone’s business and everyone’s responsibility to Keep Grand Bahama Clean: our lifestyles, our economy, and our future depend on it.
ON THE MOVE – Lions Club members showed up in great numbers to tidy the Williams Town Beach area.
ALL HANDS ON DECK – Members of the West End community gathered and showed their support to the annual KGBC initiative by joining hands and showing their appreciation for a clean environment.