The Nassau Guardian ran an editorial saying that the Leader of the Opposition Perry Christie got a jump on Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham in addressing crime. Really? Someone must be joking or just plain blind.
I don’t remember Chrlstie ever giving a national address on crime the five years he was prime minister. Now, after more than four years in opposition and months before a general election he finally decided to give a speech? In my mind that makes him about nine and a half years late.
This fact alone shows why Christie has little authority and no credibility when he speaks on the burning issue of crime. He also lacks authority and credibility for at least two other reasons.
It’s important to remember our history. Ingraham and Christie were fired from Sir Lynden Pindling’s cabinet becauge they were concerned about official corruption related to the drug trade. Ingraham never went back. But Christie, in his words, was prepared to swim through vomit to return to the PLP. He went back into the scandal-drenched Pindling government.
When he became prime minister, Christie presided over all manner of shame and scandal in the PLP family. Much of those same scandal-ridden PLPs are set to run again and probably return to the cabinet. If Christie and his do-nothing government had fixed the courts, increased judges, did something on the Bail Act, etc. it’s quite likely that the crime situation would not be as bad as it is today. Now, how he can twist his mouth and promise things he should have done, but never did, is disgraceful. The PLP should look in the mirror when they start pointing fingers; they will see their own reflection.
The corruption and drug trade of the Pindling-era is at the root of much of today’s crime.
Christie went back to that government. When he ran his own administration Christie failed to act on many fronts related to crime. When he now speaks on crime he has little authority or credibility.
At least I believe Ingraham is trying his best on crime. In a tough fight we need a tough leader. We need a strong, decisive, focused, and hard-working leader who will act and not just give speeches. Oh, wait, I forgot. On the matter of crime, Christie was late again as usual, finally giving a formal address after nine years. A general election must be on the way.
By: Concerned Citizen