The Transforming Spaces Committee is completing plans for its eighth year on the Bahamian art scene. The popular annual Bus Tour which provides a window into the galleries, studios, artwork and lives of the best visual art organizations and practitioners in the country, will take place this year on Saturday and Sunday, March 24 and 25. Eight Art Spaces will be participating: The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas, Doongalik Studios Art Gallery, New Providence Art & Antiques, the Pink ‘Un Gallery, Popop International Centre for the Visual Arts, Hillside House Gallery, The PRO Gallery at COB and The Hub.
This year the Tour is offering a different component by examining the single theme, FIBRE, at all of the Galleries. A Call was placed last year to artists from all disciplines to challenge participants to look at the history of local materials and re-imagine their original purposes, characteristics and contexts. Over 60 artists were accepted based on their response to the Call, including participants from the Family Islands as well as another first: four international artists from Jamaica, Cuba, Canada and the United Kingdom! Over half of the artists in this year’s Show are new to Transforming Spaces so patrons can look forward to an amazing array of interesting artwork which will include sculpture, installations, fashion, jewelry, quilts, furniture, paintings, ceramics and more.
Transportation will once again be provided by the professional team from Bahamas Experience Tours who will drive patrons in air-conditioned bus to the various galleries around the island. Each bus will have its own knowledgeable Tour Guide to discuss and enlighten travelers during the journey. All buses will leave daily from the NAGB.
In addition to having the opportunity to view and purchase art, patrons will also get to meet many of the artists and indulge in a variety of food and drink at each stop. Ticket prices will remain at $30.00 and will be on sale at the end of the month at The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas open 10am – 4pm Tues – Sat and Sun from 12 noon – 4pm Tel: 328-5800 and Doongalik Studios Village Road open Mon-Fri 9am – 4pm and Sat 9am – 1pm Tel: 394-1886. For further information on the Tour you can find them on Facebook or log on to www.transformingspacesbahamas.com.