While confirming that he has received special favours from a wealthy land owner, Environment Minister Earl Deveaux says it will not influence his decision on granting approvals on development applications currently before his ministry.
Mr Deveaux confirmed that he accepted rides in a luxury helicopter owned by the Aga Khan, a mega-rich owner of a private island in the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park.
The Minister, who has responsibility for approving developments, hopped a ride in the Aga Khan’s 12-seat helicopter to attend a film screening in Abaco before flying to Bell Island in Exuma. Mr Deveaux was to do a land assessment with executive members of the Bahamas National Trust (BNT) the next day.
Mr Kahn has submitted plans to develop Bell Island, including the dredging of a channel 15 feet deep to accommodate his yacht.
Although he is inclined to approve the development, Deveaux denied that his opinion would be influenced by a helicopter ride.
“I don’t think a helicopter ride could buy me and I don’t think it could alter my opinion,” the Minister said.