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Christie Fabricates Allegations of Bribery and Spitting

Perry Christie

Statement from Tommy Turnquest, FNM spokesperson in response to recent wild claims by Perry Christie:

“Perry Christie is desperate to return to power and is willing to say anything to mislead voters. He is fabricating incidents and just plain making things up. This is a new low even for Perry Christie.”

“Perry Christie’s recent allegations of bribery is just another false attack from the leader of a party with no vision and a scandalous corrupt record they are running from, not running on.”

“Perry Christie’s claims about jobs and contracts being given out by the FNM in connection with voting are completely baseless. Mr. Christie did not point to a single instance to support this wild statement.”

“There are no new or unexpected Government contracts being signed that were not previously anticipated. We have been building hospitals and schools and filling needed positions throughout the government for five years as we cleaned up the mess left by the PLP during their last term in office.”

“The government is an ongoing institution and must continue to serve the people of the Bahamas. The needs of the people cannot, should not and will not take a backseat just because an election is near.”

“Perry Christie’s false claims speak volumes about how Perry Christie sees government – as a personal tool to advance his and his party’s own personal interests. In 2007, the PLP signed a number of rushed and unexpected contracts immediately prior to the election, which were later discovered to be lacking funding, planning, and good intention. The PLP also promoted hundreds of Police Officers days before the 2007 Elections and scores of Prison Officers 2 days before those elections. The Prison promotions could not all be effective, because after the elections it was found that the proper process was not followed. This is the record that should be examined.”

“Accusations that someone spat on Mrs. Christie are also false.”

“While we would condemn any such actions, this simply didn’t happen. The investigating Police Officer interviewed Mrs. Christie yesterday afternoon and she told him that no-one spat on her, but that the person speaking had saliva coming from his mouth, but she was neither spat on, nor spat at. These are overblown accusations made by Perry Christie, a man fearful of defeat and desperate to gain power.”

“The FNM election campaign is being conducted the same way the FNM Government has and will be conducted: above board, with full transparency, and in the sunshine.”

Posted in Politics

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