The United States Department of State has issued a damning report, saying crime in Nassau is at a “critical” level and warning tourists that criminals are now operating in tourist areas, not just the ghetto.
“The U.S. Embassy has received reports of assaults, including sexual assaults, in diverse areas such as casinos, outside hotels, or on cruise ships. In several incidents, the victim had reportedly been drugged,” the report stated.
“Residential security also remains a great concern as the number of incidents involving house burglaries and breakins has also increased”
The Bahamas 2012 Crime and Safety-Report notes that New Providence Island has experienced a spike in crime that has adversely affected the traveling public. Armed robberies, property theft, purse snatchings, and general theft of personal property are the most common crimes against tourists.
“There has been a dramatic increase in general crimes in 2011,” the report states.
The most alarming statistic for female tourists:
“The Bahamas has the highest incidence of reported rape in the world.”
More alarming is the fact that there are many more incidents of rape that go unreported.
The report is published annually to assist American travellers and businesses. The document addresses crime threats, road safety, medical emergencies and safety tips in countries that have established US embassies. It also includes other relevant data affecting travellers such as political violence and environmental hazards.
Criminal threat levels are ranked as low, medium, high or critical.
The report cites The Bahamas’ long history as a route and major transshipment point for illegal smugglers and drug traffickers, warning US companies against conducting business with “questionable persons or enterprises.”
The report also noted that there is minimal enforcement of environmental standards.