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Selling Our Souls For Numbers

"sin is a disgrace to any people"

A few years ago I wrote a letter to the press about why we as a nation needed to stay away from all forms of gambling, including a national lottery, but now that we are moving towards a referendum on the issue I would like to once again warn us as a nation to stay away from gambling.

Why do you think our forefathers said it this way in the preamble to our constitution, that we believe that “the preservation of our freedoms will be guaranteed by a national commitment to self-discipline, industry, loyalty, unity, and an abiding respect for Christian values and the rule of law”?

It does not say that to be a great nation we should be undisciplined, pursue a livelihood by chance, not be committed to anything but go after the easy dollar, think only of yourself, and follow other countries that are allowing power, money, and pleasure to erode their foundations that were also built on Christian values.

The named benefits of gambling are nothing compared to the benefits that come from a people who are hardworking, committed to family, committed to having a nation that stands for righteousness, and who want to serve God first, no matter what the world says we should do.

You could argue (from a deprived point of view) that there is economic benefit from gambling, drugs, prostitution, or pornography, but the Bible is still right when it says, “ Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people”.

Because we serve a living and sovereign God, if we pursue any of the above sins because of money or temporary pleasure or if we trivialize adultery or homosexuality, we as a people will degenerate into a lost and forsaken people. Our nation will be found wanting on God’s scale of justice. Evil will increase and we as Bahamians will realize we have sold our souls for a pot of porridge.

Andy Knowles

Posted in Opinions

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