On perusing the 9th November edition of the Nassau Guardian – Letters to the Editor section – I almost suffered a cardiac seizure when I saw a letter under the sub-heading “Thiefing has become accepted way of life for Bahamians” by one Ortland H Bodie Jr. This my friends is straight from the horse’s mouth.
For at least three years the media-reading members of this country were sufferers from a complaint called ‘eye-ache’ from the constant written garbage by a discard who started a one-man campaign in support of one Honourable Hubert Alexander Ingraham, P C, M P and any other Ps and Cs that caught the gleam of the one-sided, glance of the Bahamian political landscape at the time.
According to him, Hubert Ingraham was a messenger, redeemer and saviour sent from on high to save this country.
All of this, mind you – dear readers – after Ingraham took him off the soup line, away from the brink of death by malnutrition, and gave him a decent salary from the Public Treasury – our money – and the ex professional did not have the decency or human compassion to try and reimburse the hapless victims of his treacherous, unprofessional, immoral, and criminal betrayal of a kind and trusting client.
According to him, the PLP was a defunct entity and Hubert Alexander
Ingraham and his FNM was what was happening.
Shortly after the FNM’s disastrous demise, Ingraham was called everything but the child of God by this villain, who should have been cutting rock in Her Majesty’s resort at Fox Hill.
The Hon Minister is quite correct in asking for a Select Committee to investigate a certain matter, and if criminality is proven and culprits identified, the facts are then turned over to the relevant authorities for prosecution – unlike in the case of one Orthland H Bodie Jr who should have been taken before the Courts to receive his just reward instead of being let off by being disbarred, to become a political tick sticking to the hides of national leaders, sucking the financial blood of Bahamian tax payers.
He is naturally without shame or sense of honesty.
It is a known fact that George Smith, ldris Reid and Paul Major, never as far as I can remember, tried to remind John Q Public of their presence in society.
We really only know of their continued existence in society when others remind us of their presence.
Mr Bodie, this arena of which we so often hear about by your constant writings, really should be an enclosure 6′ x 8′ in her Majesty’s Resort; for any one suffering from so huge a dose of ingratitude should be permanently isolated from decent God-fearing human beings.
As for Wells and Dupuch, you will do well to emulate them; of course it requires a lot of common sense to achieve such a task.
This, Mr Bodie, is a simple case of the pot calling the kettle black. Please quit while you are ahead.
Yours, etc.
Letter To The Editor