The Nassau Institute recently conducted a survey on モEconomic Literacy.ヤ The survey consisted of twelve questions relating to six key concepts in economics covering international trade and the characteristics of a free market economy.
Most respondents achieved impressive results, and two (Jehan Unwala and Lennox Paton) obtained a one hundred (100%) percent score. At a recent reception, the respondents were presented with a copy of Frederic Bastiatメs book, The Law. In recognition of their perfect scores, Mr. Unwala received a copy of F.A. Hayekメs, The Road to Serfdom and Mr. Paton received a copy of Hayekメs, The Fatal Conceit.
Pictured from left to right are (seated) Nassau Institute President Joan Thompson and Jehan Unwala and (standing) are Brian Self, Robert DメAlbenas, David Nicoll, Nassau Institute VP and Economist Ralph Massey, Gordon Rodland and Len Davies.
Anyone wishing to test their economic literacy can view the survey posted on The Nassau Institute Web Site at
The Nassau Institute is an independent, non-profit, libertarian organisation committed to furthering understanding of how free markets and limited government are the foundation for the creation of wealth and civil society.