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Wisdom Should Resign Over Junkanoo Fiasco

Minister Wisdom never ceases to amaze me. It seems as if everyday there is a new revelation as to something going wrong with this year’s Junkanoo and he had the temerity today at his press conference to call it a success.

If what we witnessed was a success, I would hate to think of what Minister Wisdom considers a failure. He calls this year’s Junkanoo fiasco knowing what we know today a success. This, in the aftermath of a disaster!

Not only did he have a press conference to pronounce this year’s Junkanoo a success, when it was a fiasco and a disaster, he apparently did so misleading the press making them believe that there was an intention on his part to field questions from the press. But no, that did not happen, he was grand- standing and “spinning” which he seems to be doing a lot of recently.

Minister Wisdom we do not want grandstanding nor spin, just the full, accurate, complete and detailed report, excluding no expense and only counting monies that were deposited in the bank as suggested by this newspaper’s editorial some weeks ago.

Minister Wisdom, Prime Minister Christie and the PLP government made Junkanoo all about making money above all other considerations.

It was foolhardy when the decision was made and we now know it was and is foolhardy. I guess that is the consultation we can expect from the PLP – exactly none!

It has come to light that Minister Wisdom did not get the approval of his cabinet colleagues.

Incredibly, not only did he not seek the consultation of the Bahamian people which was promised by Prime Minister Christie and the PLP party, he did not even consult his cabinet colleagues. We ought to blame Prime Minister Christie and the PLP government because Prime Minister Christie chose Mr. Wisdom as his cabinet Minister and the PLP party made Mr. Christie Prime Minister. It was his decision alone – who became Ministers of his government.

We learnt in addition to all we already know, which is quite a bit, that not only were the bleachers rented, the Canadian workers employed at the expense of Bahamian workers, we now know that even the forklifts were rented from Canada. It is not possible that we do not have forklifts in the Bahamas, owned by Bahamians that could have been rented to do this job. I should add using Bahamian forklift operators because I too saw white men operating the forklift, and while they could be Bahamian they were most likely brought in to operate the forklift, that is without a work permit.

Minister Wisdom and Prime Minister Christie when will this all stop? This national disaster, this fiasco, when will it end.

There are reports now that there might have been something untoward and not above-board regarding the ticketing company’s contract and another Caribbean country.

I trust that Prime Minister Christie will investigate this and report to the Bahamian people.

Minister Wisdom should take the honourable course now and offer his resignation.

If he does not appreciate the wisdom in this act, then Prime Minister Christie should ask him to resign.

Yours etc.


A Letter To The Editor, The Nassau Guardian

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