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Human Cloning Will Not Be Successful

In recent weeks there has been much published about a claim for the successful cloning of a human being.

There is a BIG difference between a human body and a human being.

While there may be successful cloning of a human body, there can never be successful cloning of a FUNCTIONAL human being, simply because any such cloning procedure MUST begin with deteriorated human cells.

God’s CREATION begins in a state of PERFECTION; and God in His Divine, Supreme Wisdom uses deterioration for the principal natural mechanism for maintenance of the natural balance in physical nature, for growth, for maturation.

That is to say, without processes of deterioration, there would be no physical growth, no physical aging and no physical death. So there is no physical way to avoid the effects of deterioration. According to the Holy Bible every human body begins to die at the day of birth.

So while there may be reproduction of sheep by cloning, human clones can only be functionally abnormal reproductions. Any good that may flow from cloning is limited to vegetation and lower animal reproduction.

It is only going to be a matter of time until the absolutely dismal, colossal, failure of human cloning becomes manifest, and then self-aggrandizement will begin to understand, for sure, that only GOD can make a tree, humanity, a. universe, ad infinitum!!!

Yours, etc.,

Al Davis

A Letter To The Editor, The Nassau Guardian

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