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Investor Warns of Bahamas Corruption to 900 Jounalists

A new press release, by German investor Harald Fuhrmann, claims that Attorney General Alfred Sears did not respond to an invitation for a press conference in Germany. The press conference was being organised to amicably solve Mr. Fuhrmann's claims of injust reatment in the Bahamian legal system. Nor did Mr. Fuhrmann receive any indication from Mr. Sears that an investigation has been launched into legal abuse and corruption here.

"I do hope that Mr. Sears doesn't end up finding himself the one being investigated when there finally is an investigation into the legal system", Mr. Fuhrmann remarks. The German investor claims to be a victim of the conspiracy among Bahamian lawyers to circumvent justice. A charge that has been echoed repeatedly by numerous foreigners and Bahamians alike. "Justice needs light or why NOT?" questioned the German when interviewed regarding the press release.

The German expects that this question would be answered within the following two weeks and points out that he has to pay, at the beginning of each new month, interest and compound interest for ten years of legal wrangling.

Mr. Fuhrmann feels that Mr. Peter Maynard doesnᄡt show respect to foreigners because, as the president of the Bahamas Bar Association, he represents the members only.

"Then where in the world can you make Bahamian lawyers responsible for poor jobs?" the disgruntled German asks.

He continues, "And is it really true, that "friendly" lawyers fail to respond to telephone calls, letters and faxes, delay taking legal action in the courts on behalf of foreigners, or simply do not appear at court hearings? Unfortunately the Bahamian legal system pushes up the costs dramatically. I ask Mr. Maynard to please give me an answer on what he considers corruption in the legal profession"

Even if they resort to being superficially polite, according to Fuhrmann research, it is increasingly being observed, by people around the world, that many Bahamians lack the common courtesy that ought to be shown when dealing with foreigners.

"Such behaviour has to be labeled as primitive and as a result, it is completely jeopardising the Bahamas as a destination for tourists and investors", Fuhrmann says.

Regarding responses from government, Fuhrmann says that both Mr. Bernard Turner and Alfred Sears are breathing a sigh of relief, while Bahamas Consult is warning tourists and foreign investors of the low moral standards that are to be expected in the Bahamas."

According to Mr. Fuhrmann, the unwillingness to correct problems in the legal profession will have grave long term consequences. Therefore, Bahamas Consult has delivered to more than 900 journalists within Germany, in Europe and all over the world, a new press release to highlight the travel warning of the U.S.Department of State, as well as an additional investment warning.

Mr Fuhrmann, points out, in the press releases, that the quality of services offered by some Bahamian service agencies, particularily attorneys, doesn't always live up to the client's quality and service expectations. This is the same thing the Ministry of Tourism found out in a study last year of visitor's expectations. Bahamas Consult has, for some time, criticized the knowledge, experience and unfriendly attitudes towards foreigners on the part of many Bahamians.

The Bahamas Investment Authority always declares that The Bahamas has the "right" climate for investments, but those conditions are often spoiled by the poor attitudes and inefficient services of Bahamians, especially lawyers, Fuhrmann confirms. Bahamas Consult has knowledge of various official complaints but no action is ever taken by the Bar Association or the Ministry of Justice. The German points out that he never wanted to publish world-wide warnings about the Bahamas but it is, unfortunately, necessary – and "please send your complaints to the Attorney General and not to me," he adds.

Further information can be found at or

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