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So Much To Do…

Bahamians are finally being briefed on government initiatives to fight crime and social decay.

For too long the public and the media have been concerned about the rising crime rate, and wondering how the authorities were going to deal with the many problems and issues involved.

We applaud National Security Minister Cynthia Pratt for reassigning members of the police band to regular law enforcement duties. The Force needs all the manpower it can muster. And we appreciate the other measures she will be introducing to help deal with our crime wave, the increase in drug trafficking and the potential security threats from terrorism.

While we can accept that not every security strategy will be publicized, we do expect that more attention will be paid to keeping the public informed on critical matters.

Moreover, while the police are trying to get their act together, the court system needs to be revamped, too. Enforcement and justice go hand in hand. We are all too familiar with the legendary delays in court matters.

We think it is high time that the Bar Association make its voice heard on these crucial issues.

Editorial, The Nassau Guardian

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