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Foulkes Resigns As FNM's Deputy Leader

Deputy Leader of the Free National Movement, Dion A. Foulkes will not vie for the post of Deputy Leader or any other post, during the party's upcoming convention this May, but will devote his energies to recapturing the Blue Hills constituency and the defeat of the PLP in the 2007 elections.

In a press statement issued to The Guardian Sunday, Mr. Foulkes said that since the defeat of the FNM party in May 2002 and the loss of the Blue Hills constituency, he has consulted with supporters, friends and family and have reflected on his future in politics before making his design to resign from the deputy leader post. He stated that his decision is based primarily on his belief that political leadership of the party should be in Parliament.

"It is true that the party lost most of its front-line leaders in the last election, but it is also true that we will have some very fine persons in our remaining parliamentary contingent," he said.

Mr. Foulkes also mentioned in the statement that the public might have noticed that since the FNM's special convention in August 2001, he has refrained from any personal attacks on individual politicians, but nevertheless, some individuals have continued their "baseless, malicious and slanderous attacks" on him, "some of them from behind the cloak of parliamentary immunity."

"Despite my distaste for mudslinging and personal abuse and despite the pain which my false accusers have caused my family and me, I believe that serving my country is worth it all, so I will continue," said Mr. Foulkes, who additionally stated that despite those persons who have and will continue to indulge in the politics of abuse and slander, it is his hope for the sake of the country, that "the rest of us, on both sides, can produce a political debate and competition which will be a credit to The Bahamas."

Meanwhile, Mr. Foulkes, in the statement, thanked the people of Blue Hills for the opportunity they gave him to serve as well as the officers and workers who assisted with his capturing his seat in 1992 and 1997. He also thanked his family for their constant love, patience and support.

"I treasure the principles of my party and cling to my personal ideals, including the commitment to serve all sectors of our population and to create opportunities for those who do not have the privileges and advantages that others might enjoy," he said.

Mr. Dion A. Foulkes has been closely involved with the FNM party beginning in 1972, with the formation of the Torchbearers, the first youth organization of the FNM. He has also served in several posts, including Secretary General and National Chairman. At the age of 46, Mr. Foulkes also served as Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Minister of Labour and Maritime Affairs and Minister of Education Youth and Sports.

Up to press time, attempts to reach leader of the Free National Movement, Tommy Turnquest or Chairman of the FNM, Dwight Sawyer for a comment was fruitless.

By Tamara McKenzie, The Nassau Guardian

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