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The Ghetto Cry

There is a woeful scarcity of noble, immaculate, sagacious, proactive politicians in this country.

While they, in their pompous disposition, inadvertently articulate and intellectualize in the Houses of Parliament, the unassessed problems proliferate. The youths are turning to gangs for a sense of identity. Those looking for 'fun and a recess from the morbid realities of their lives are turning to drugs. Crime is like a worm in the fruit of our tourism industry.

There is an emerging populous underclass of unemployed and unemployable young people who simply do not subscribe to the status quo. They are multiplying and in the next few decades they will be the majority. And our calamity might be similar to that of the Fiji Islands where the underclass of immigrants from India is now in control subsequent to their revolution. The underclass in The Bahamas predominantly are children of illegal immigrants and are not classified as a member of any state, so why should they adhere to the law of any land?

These are children of broken homes who have lost hope. Society has failed to restore that hope as unemployment among these youths is very high and their level, of literacy is low.

They must be allowed to share in the Bahamian dream.

The dissolving of this underclass might be the single most important investment that The Bahamas could make. A socio-economic revolution in this country is all that can save us.

Editorial, The Nassau Guardian

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