PLP Tycoon Frankie "the snake" Wilson and his Arawak Homes company are caught up in a court battle in which they are accused of illegally building 2,100 homes on land valued at $63 million in Pinewood gardens, the Punch (no Web site) newspaper reports.
The three alleged owners of the land have filed lawsuits seeking millions of dollars in compensation from Arawak for allegedly taking their properties. They have produced land title deeds signed and sealed by the Supreme Court Registry.
Some 100 members of Neil Ellis' Mount Tabor baptist Church reportedly live in homes built on the disputed land. Ellis is a a close business associate of ex-PLP MP Wilson, the party's chief fundraiser.
This is not the first time Wilson has been accused of stealing land. Back in the 1980s Wilson allegedly stole valuable land from the foreign widow of a prominent Bahamian businessman, after the businessman's death. The disputed land may have been the basis for Wilson's amazing financial comeback after his apparent incompetence in business led to the bankruptcy of his Chicken Unlimited business. It is believed that Neil Ellis' brother, Prince, was involved in ripping the widow off as well.