HOLLYWOOD, Fla. — South Florida residents are complaining about a proposed natural gas pipeline from the Bahamas to South Florida, saying it poses a potential threat to the environment.
The proposed pipeline would come ashore in Dania Beach.
Earlier this month, the commission indicated in a favorable environmental report that it is moving toward approving plans for the pipeline. The natural gas would serve as fuel for power plants.
Environmentalists are concerned the pipeline's construction or a possible leak would harm the coral reefs off Broward County, while some local residents are worried about an explosion. But in its environmental report, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission said the company has found ways to lay the pipeline without harming reefs or other natural resources.
Experts said the reefs could be harmed by the accidental escape of drilling mud or by a storm that would dislodge barges and drag them across the reefs.
The report saud any damage from the AES Corp. pipline would be mild and temporary.
More Information:
- Project description from AES