At face value the United States Department of Homeland Security could be seen to be justified last week in closing the pre-clearance facilities in The Bahamas at the approach of Hurricane Isabel. The Americans have every right to ensure that their citizens are safe ラ especially in these times of world terrorism.
That may not be the whole story and we may never know. But it could be that the U.S. wanted to strong-arm The Bahamas into realising just how vulnerable this country is and how dependent it is on the Americans' good will.
Because just the thought of not being able to supposedly travel unencumbered to the U.S. and everybody panicked.
It is significant though that in the last several years hurricanes have approached, and some have landed, but travellers were never inconvenienced with the closure of pre-clearance, unless the airport itself was closed and aircraft could not fly.
Surprising though in the last several years hurricanes have approached The Bahamas and some have landed but never have the facilities been closed.
Today the Americans will be back at their posts and it will seem to be business as usual at the airport. But will it?
Will The Bahamas Government soon forget how easy it is for the Americans to upset the country's tourism apple cart, and to disrupt a custom that many Bahamians have become accustomed to but which is not an inherent right?
As we said, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security cannot be faulted for ensuring the safety of its personnel and withdrawing them in the face of danger ラreal or imagined. However, the Americans are off the mark if they expect the Bahamian public to understand their stated reason.
Editorial, The Nassau Guardian