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Residents Dispute Ministry’s ‘Devastating Loss’ In Fire

According to Tribune sources on the island the office did not have a 9am to 5pm working staff and the local director, who lives on Eleuthera’s mainland, where tourism’s main office is located in Governor’s Harbour, made a few trips to the Harbour Island office. They said that the ministry’s statement that they were trying to find new offices to relocate staff made no sense as there was no staff in the office to relocate.

Reports also stated that the office was so infrequently used that tourists would have to purchase maps from surrounding gift stores.

Mrs Norma Albury, who with her sister owned the Sugar Mill building confirmed that the only persons ever in the Ministry of Tourism office upstairs over their Sugar Mill gift shop were Mr. Raymond Harrison and a cleaning lady – and this only very sporadically. She said this had been the case for a couple of years.

Source: The Tribune

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