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Liquefied Natural Gas in the Bahamas

Worldwide many countries are looking for safe and cost effective ways of providing ‘clean fuel,’ but if the environment is not considered important in our present and future plans, we will pay with our well-being in the end. I truly believe you can have a balance of sustaining the environment as well as progress.

An example of this is Solar and Hydropower which can provide electricity for our modern comforts and is still healthy for the environment. This in turn is good for us and saves us money.

It appears that there seems to be a rush to establish a Liquefied Natural Gas plant in The Bahamas. The establishment of this plant is to provide South Florida’s growing population with clean and reliable electricity, when we in the entire Bahamas don’t have this service. Our Bahamian population is growing too and I don’t see our government planning for our future interest to compete with the world. The prospective investors have chosen The Bahamas, which one would consider to be a “good thing.”

However, upon closer inspection the investors believe it would be cheaper to construct the plant in the States, but the approval process would be faster and much easier in The Bahamas than the States. Therefore, the government and the investors believe that the average Bahamian resident is ignorant, lack concern for our country and easily bought. Our health and environmental laws are not strong or enforced as the laws in the States, but we are people. People, who want the facts to make good judgment on what’s best for us.

To date the topic has not been fully addressed to the Bahamian people. What we have heard repeatedly is the amount of funds it will contribute to the Treasury. I have not heard of any independent studies being carried out to assess the impact of this plant on our Health & Environment. The government has not effectively educated the masses, and it seems that those who are given the information are few in number. Information on the Liquefied Natural Gas plant needs to be distributed in such a manner that the topic is well known as the Referendum was. To view the outline of the plant’s proposal should not be treated like the exhibit of the “Dead Sea Scrolls.”

The outline of the project should be printed in the newspapers and on the internet for Bahamians and concerned citizens to view. This issue is very important and has far reaching consequences for this present and future generation.

Therefore, the public should be given every opportunity to be educated on the matter and to voice their concerns. In addition, these concerns should be taken seriously and not be brushed aside in the haste to fill our coffers with money. The hand of the government should be moved by the voice of the people.

The developers have stated on paper how safe and effective the Liquefied Natural Gas plant is, but we have heard the same said about the “Bimini Bay Project.” To my knowledge the project is still not completed and has turned the landscape into a “wasteland.”

The developers want the plant in the Bahamas! I have no objections to progress or investments. The question is who is getting the better end of the stick? It appears that we are being short changed. Before we rush headlong into this project I think that the following concerns must be addressed:-

What is the Health, Security and Environmental impact of the Liquefied Natural Gas Plant in the Bahamas?

What environmental codes were followed regarding the placement and construction of the plant and its pipelines? Bahamian or International?

Has a disaster readiness plan been drafted by the government in the event of a leakage or terrorist disaster? And which government ministry?

How would possible leakages affect the marine life and tourism which our economy depends on?

How will the country be compensated in the event that damages occur?

If permitted by the Bahamian people, why can’t the entire Bahamas feed into the supply for electrical power?

Lastly, the government should wait until fair and balance independent studies are done and this information is widely distributed to the Bahamian people. Then let the people vote if they want this type of plant in The Bahamas. If there is something to be done, it should be done right. Let us explore plans that impact the Bahamas positively for the next 200 years, not just for today. After all is said and done, this is our only home, and we have a choice who should stay or go.

Letter to the Editor, By Crystal A brown

Posted in Headlines

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