Thatᄡs the nature of life. Thatᄡs just the way it is.
One particular community in the Family Islands is presently experiencing tremendous growth.
Exuma, mostly as a result of the Emerald Bay project has been dealing with increased numbers of persons on that island due to jobs, and tourist influx. Early during the construction, the Officer In Charge of Exuma Inspector Deveaux publicly pointed out two problematic areas.
He informed that there were a number of females who were flocking the island. The connection was made to the many men on jobs at the construction site. He feared at the time, a social dilemma.
Later on he spoke to the issue of the clannish attitude of the home-based Exuma men towards the other Bahamian men from other island who were there holding down jobs. His view was that the Exumians felt they had to protect their turf.
We believe here, that Inspector Deveaux is in the best position to evaluate what is going on in Exuma.
Based on Inspector Deveauzᄡ early outcry, there was a good need for alarm signals to go up then and we understand that the general situation has worsened. The confrontations between the Exumian men and the other Bahamians they called ムforeignersᄡ continue. Armed robbery instances are increasing.
Yes there is need for an alarm.
From another quarter in the Police Force however comes a frightening position. The Exuma situation is being played down and there are those surprisingly enough who donᄡt seem to understand that the major change going on in Exuma is cause for a greater concentration of law enforcement.
This is most unfortunate and it is a sure case of shortsightedness on the part of those officers who either canᄡt or refuse to see the big picture. The suggestion here is that the number of officers posted in Exuma be increased. There is need for added numbers now on a regular basis.
We call on Commissioner of Police, Paul Farquharson, to recognize the obvious and act accordingly.
There is clearly more law work to be done these days in Exuma on an ongoing basis.
We donᄡt subscribe to a few extra officers being sent in for a period and then recalled. That would be absolute rubbish under the present circumstances.
Exuma is a Family Island that has changed because of the major hospitality project that has been established there. Crime has gone up and will continue to rise. Indeed there is cause for
Fred Sturrup, The Bahama Journal