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Fees For Waste Disposal

Giving notice of an “efficient, financially sustainable” approach to garbage collection in a House Communication on Wednesday,

Leader of Government Business Vincent Peet, said, “The Regulations require the Department of Environmental Health Services to provide, at the public’s expense, a waste collection service for the collection and disposal of certain types of waste.”

Also, by notice published in the Official Gazette, the Department can “designate the types of waste collection and disposal for which service is available,” Mr Peet said.

‘Long overdue’

Noting that The Bahamas generates approximately 265,000 tons of waste per year, mostly concentrated in New Providence and Grand Bahama, Mr peet said that the “long overdue” Regulations were designed “to protect and preserve the lives and the economic viability” of The Bahamas.

The Government of The Bahamas was “committed to ensuring the provision of environmentally sound solid waste management,” he said, noting also that

increasing development in the Family Islands was certain to increase the “waste stream”.

Indiscriminate dumping

The problem was extensive, Mr Peet said, as evidenced by the many areas of indiscriminate dumping, the multitude of properties without proper waste storage containers, the trail of litter from uncovered loads, and the many unkempt storage areas.

He said the Regulations will also provide for the general collection of waste, including domestic and commercial waste, construction and demolition waste and the collection of commercial waste at the expense of the property owners.

Guidelines, $5,000 fine

The Regulations outline specific offences, including proper methods of disposal and storage of waste, with a $5,000 fine for persons transporting waste in their vehicles without suitable covers capable of preventing the dropping, spilling or blowing off of waste while it was being transported.

Mr Peet said also that waste for collection must be placed only in domestic waste receptacles and specified containerized storage bins as identified.

He said the Regulations also define the method to be used for putting waste out for collection and address the disposal of sawdust, animal faeces, waste containing any liquid rags and discarded clothing, cardboard and tree clippings.

The proper storage and disposal of such items limits the spread of disease, and enhances collection efficiency, he said.

Persons who contravene the provisions of the Regulations are liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or imprisonment.

Individual responsibilities

The Regulations, according to Mr Peet, address the responsibilities of property owners, occupiers and collectors.

Collectors, he said, are required to exercise reasonable care not to damage or misuse any domestic waste receptacle or containerized storage bin.

The Environmental Services Director, or licensed collection agency will be required to schedule the collection of domestic, commercial and bulky wastes, ensure that all persons are notified of the collection and any changes made thereto, he said.

Licensing changes

Mr. Peet announced further that no longer would persons be able to simply obtain a business licence to operate a collection service.

The Regulations will require persons wishing to operate a collection service, to complete an application, that will specify the information that should be provided by the applicant.

A fee of $500 will be paid for every vehicle listed in the certificate of approval prior to issue, he said.

Waste management facility

Persons wishing to construct a waste management facility will be required to provide the Director of Environmental Health Services with a written notice of intent to make an application for a certificate of approval, with an application fee of $5,000 payable.

Size matters

Mr. Peet said that of particular importance was the Regulation that allows for the application of a fee based on the weight of the waste brought to the waste management facility. The tipping fee, he said, ranges from no charge for loads less than 299 pounds or less, to $10.00 per ton for waste 2,000 pounds or greater.

Abandoned vehicles

The Regulations also make general provisions with respect to disposal of waste, installation of incinerators and removal of abandoned vehicles.

Additionally, persons other than employees of the Department of Environmental Health Services, approved by the Director, are prohibited from lighting fires in any waste receptacle provided by the Director, or at any waste management facility.

Other general provisions relate to prohibition against the sale of waste, transportation of waste, service of notice to remove waste, littering and illegal dumping.

Tamara McKenzie, The Nassau Guardian

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