The 13-foot monster was dragged ashore at Little Farmer’s Cay, where it’s menacing shadow had struck fear into bathers. The shark was caught, speared and shot through the head by a team of hunters.
Restauranteur Terry Bain told The Tribune: “What an animal! It is a shame that we had to kill it, but it threatened our community, our children and the tourists.”
He said he would have preferred to take the animal out to sea where it would not be a threat to any community. But the local team lacked the necessary tools such as stunning darts, nets and a helicopter.
“We don’t have the required tools to do it.” Bain said, adding, “These men from the community had no choice but to kill it.”
Mr. Bain and three others stalked the shark in a 22-foot narrow boat after the alarm had been raised on VHF radio.
Armed with a 12-gauge shotgun, rope, shark hook and a chain leader, the men confronted the shark about 150 feet offshore. They eventually steered it to a shallow bank and speared it, following through with gunshots to the head.
Mr. Bain, who runs the Ocean Cabin Restaurant on Little Farmer’s Cay, said, “This creature was causing us some concern. It had been in the area for some time. We needed to catch it.”
Source: The Tribune